of Bloomington Normal

Do you have dirty, smelly, fly and bug infested trash cans?
If so, Clean Cans knows how to get rid of stinky trash cans!

Who Cleans Your Cans Blono?

Have you opened the lid of your trash can and sometimes been overwhelmed by the smell?
If so, consider Clean Cans curbside trash cleaning process. Clean Cans will disinfect your trash and recycle cans,
deodorize and sanitize your cans leaving them Clean Cans free!


How It Works

CleanCans takes pride in their work and in taking the funk out of your can.

Here is Our Step-By-Step Process:
  • All loose debris is removed from the inside of the cans.
  • The cans are then securely placed into Soft sided grabbers.
  • The outside of the cans are power washed — including the inside and outside of the lid.
  • The cans are then lifted upside down over a 3500 psi rotating pressure head with water that is heated up to 200°, essentially steaming your cans and removing any remaining debris.
  • The water used is recycled and collected so that there is no residue left on your street and taken to an approved disposal site.
  • The water is then passed through an 18 step filtration process.
  • After cleaning the cans are sanitized and returned to curbside.